Single components turn into one whole, thanks to system integration
Everyday work in hospitals is no longer determined by several closed systems. A holistic concept and system, custom-made for today’s demands, is what’s called for. The single unique components of the system have to mesh seamlessly. Together with us, you will carve out a holistic solution that takes both your individual situation and demands into consideration.
Move the cursor over one of the tiles and find out, what options you can choose from.
- Work flow:
Worklist, Equipment control, Checklists - Spatial Structurs:
Operating Room, Conference Room, Doctor’s Room - Technical Systems:
Integrative OR Systems, Conference Technology, RFID-Technology - Software Products:
Access to KIS and PACS - Patient Records:
Image and Data Management Archive - Workforce Requirement:
Fast communication, Easy Operation
multi-media medical aktiengesellschaft
Prefagstraße 2
D-75045 Walzbachtal
Fon: +49(0) 7203 / 34 699-64
Fax: +49(0) 7203 / 34 633-41